Monday, September 22, 2014


I was around 12 years old when I first saw him, he was brisk in his walk, humble in demeanor, and always had a smile on his face. He definitely didn’t know who I was. I was pretty much in awe of his music already, and when my  dad told me that he was the one who played the music I listened to every morning, I was super-excited to catch a glimpse of him. So when I looked in the direction my dad was pointing at, I saw a very simple, carefree person walking towards the place where we were standing. I couldn’t contain my joy, and I automatically had a huge, huge smile on my face. As I stood facing him, he saw my enthusiastic face, and responded with a smile, with his palms folded, to say “Namaste”- to me, a complete stranger! That instantly left  a huge impact on me. His down to earth personality totally humbled me, changed my thought process. I was never too keen on “carnatic” music. It was always my mom who made me go to classes, take part in music competitions, listen to concerts etc. It was always writing, speaking and reading for me, in those terms. I am the kind who switches channels whenever there is a ‘carnatic’ music concert on TV. I am the kind who changes the frequency of the radio stations whenever I hear somebody singing carnatic music there. And that implied for both instrumental and vocal “carnatic” music. But I had exceptions. Two, to be precise. I loved the music created by the ‘Ganesh-Kumaresh’ duo, and of course, U.Srinivas. They had a soothing effect on me, always. And more than that, I just loved the way they played their instruments, so effortlessly, so gracefully. There was something though, about the music, the magic that U.Srinivas created. Just listening to it made me forget all the hitches, the glitches that I had in life. His music always proved to be an elixir to my happiness. Another time, last year, when I was hunting for guests for one of our events at college(TEDx Sairam 2014), I had this opportunity to invite him over. Though his schedule didn't allow him to be a part of our event(as he had already signed up for some other cause), I had one of the most memorable conversations of my life, ever, with him. And now, when I heard the news of his demise, I was unable to take it in, unable to digest the fact that he was no more, no more to create the magic that millions in this world yearn to listen to, no more to charm the billions of people who crave to be a part of his concerts, no more to spread happiness around him with his persona. The emptiness that his death has brought to the world of music, can never be filled. At an age so young, when the world is waiting to listen to his music, he is gone.Gone forever! But his music, will continue to create magic all over the world, will continue to linger in the ears of the millions and billions of music lovers and others, and will forever remain one of the prime sources that offer solace to me. He always had, and will continue to have a special place in the world of music, and in the hearts of people. Rest In Peace, Mandolin U.Srinivas. You will be missed. Forever.

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